Take Strength Fellow Traveler!

Take strength fellow traveler! GOD USES BROKEN THINGS!

Perhaps like me you are a feeling a bit broken in body and spirit, and maybe like me you have overheard a conversation about some famous or rich or extremely gifted person that went like this, “Wow! God could really use a person like that.”

Really? Is our Creator Redeemer looking for people who have it all together? Is he looking for the strong and the proud and famous?

Well, in one sense he is, because he is reaching out to all people, no matter what their race, or status or giftings. But he is not looking for gifted people he can use. He doesn’t have a job he needs help to finish. He is looking for people who will come to him as they are and be willing to be transformed into his image. He delights in allowing us to be part of his great plan!

If you look at Jesus Yeshua’s life you will see him reaching out to all kinds of broken people: the sick, the blind, the broken, prostitutes, women caught in adultery, men filled with demons, and fishermen who ended up doing amazing things.
In fact, he considers a broken heart to be a worthy sacrifice!

Lettie Cowman, author of Streams in the Desert, says, “Those who have been gripped by the power of the Holy Spirit and are used for God’s glory are those who have been broken in their finances, broken in their self-will, broken in their ambitions, broken in their lofty ideals, broken in their worldly reputation, broken in their desires, and often broken in their health. Yes, He uses those who are despised by the world and who seem totally hopeless and helpless, just as Isaiah said: ‘The lame will carry off plunder’ (Isaiah. 33:23).”

Let us give our brokenness to our Creator Redeemer. He can turn us into something glorious!

Today’s Reading: Matthew 11:28-30 and Psalm 51:16-17

(Photo of Sandy Cathcart with a wolf at Wildlife Images)

Sandy Cathcart is the author of Wild Woman: A Daughter’s Search for a Father’s Love, Eagle People Journal, and Shaman’s Fire, all available at Amazon in both print and Kindle.


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